Go to the Customer Area in order to deliver your file(s) without creating an account. Nevertheless an account will be required to retrieve your mastered track(s).
Send me a mix or a sample of it and I will send you a free mastered version. That will give you the opportunity to judge both how your music can sound when mastered and the quality of my work. Feel free to provide a track that you feel could be used as an inspiration of the sound treatment or just send me the artist name and album name.
No commitment. Should you decide to go further, the paiement is due before the delivery of the final project and will be operated through Paypal.
Please note that the final master requires a certain amount of time, considering a necessary step back in order to achieve the best tonal balance.
It goes without saying that this will vary according to the time spent. If difficulties encountered (due to random mixing) the processing of the mix can be time consuming to fix targeted issues. Obviously, there will be some exchanges after listening to the mixing and decisions will be taken towards one direction or another. Then, and only then, I will be able to commit to a definitive price (should it need to vary from the basic price).
I don’t set a limit to the number of reviews of the masters, your satisfaction comes first, assuming you have a general idea of what you want and staying in a reasonable scenario. The most important is that the project ends up the best possible and that you’re happy with it. I don’t impose anything, I state my opinion and share my knowledge for the good of the project, but at the end of the day you stay the leader of your project.
Should you need a DDPi (only necessary in order to press a CD), it will cost you an extra 60 Euros. If you need the files to be mastered individually (in order to publish online for example) this will not be necessary.
Cost evaluation